2024 Short Story Competion
Judges Comments
This year’s winners:
First: Finding Emily (46)
Second: Wild Thing, I think I Love You (27)
Third: The Bucket List (20)
First of all the judges would like to congratulate the Friends of the Library at Paynesville for
continuing their wonderful work in supporting this annual competition. Particular kudos to coordinator Fiona Seaton, and her committee for supporting short story writing over these years.
Judges comments:
Finding Emily was chosen first – a very ‘of the times’ story with a great sense of the narrator and
his growing relationship with Emily.
Wild Thing, I Think I Love You also gave us a wonderful sense of its main character and her love
for the environment and how a small kitten can bring love to a solitary individual.
The Bucket List was an enjoyable history lesson in its way, great fun as we watch Ruby looking
back on her life and meaningful belongings, with protests at the opera house and a wry twist at
the end.
Generally, many of this year’s entries were well structured and involving with many intriguing
observations about aspects of life – from ageing to lessons learned in relationships.
There were some that started really well but got a little lost on their way to the conclusion. A few
badly needed re-reading and a comprehensive editing. Others began too slowly and didn’t find
The best had vigour and movement and held your interest, provoked thought or were simply
entertaining. Lots of chuckles along the way.
Finally, congratulations and thanks to all who took the time and chance to write and enter this
very worthwhile competition. It is great to see that there are plenty of writers out there coming
up with terrific stories that document the lives and interests and adventures of our Australian
Rosemary Douglas, Bill Cotter, Jill Elli
Read the winning stories
Click on the story title to download (.pdf format)
- First: Finding Emily
- Second: Wild Thing, I think I Love You
- Third: The Bucket List