About our Library


The Paynesville Library is a branch of the East Gippsland Shire Library Service, with its headquarters in Bairnsdale. The service has many branches in East Gippsland, and mobile library vans visit other remote areas in this huge area. 

Friends of the Paynesville Library were formed to support and work with library staff to move into the new modern premises in the Paynesville Community Centre. We wanted to establish the identity of Paynesville and to raise the awareness in the community of this wonderful asset. 

In addition to an excellent collection of library materials for you to borrow there are many facilities expected of today’s libraries. There are computers you can use or you can bring your own devices and use free WIFI. 

Many programs for young and not so young are run throughout the year. The library also has a games morning if you would like to play chess or scrabble.

Paynesville Library is also a Business Centre as well so they can meet all your council needs. Register your pet, view a planning permit or purchase a ferry pass just to list a few. Save yourself a trip to Bairnsdale. 

Other services they provide are a visiting Planner, also a visiting Justice of the Peace. See the friendly staff for days and times.

There are pleasant corners to relax and read with stunning views over Lake Victoria, one in the great Gippsland Lakes System. Not many libraries can boast of windows looking out on the colourful scene of yachts and other boats busy on the blue waters of the lake.

If you prefer the outdoors, the library now has a newly furnished Deck area where you can read or use the WIFI in the fresh air.

There are tables and chairs, pot plants and a cubby house for the kids.

You will always be made welcome by the friendly staff who are very helpful in answering all your queries. So please call in and have a look around our library, we are all proud of it!